Commercial Generators: Consult with an Expert Electrician

electrician in Asheville NCA generator is an integral component in preparedness planning for businesses of all sizes because it can significantly reduce disruption when general power outages occur.

However, using a generator presents certain risks that must be addressed to ensure safe operation. These risks include damage to electrical equipment, fire, and injury or even death to those operating it or working in the building where it is housed. A critical element is proper ventilation in order to reduce the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning from the engine’s exhaust.

Before buying a generator, consult with one of our professional electricians about the following considerations:

  • What are the most likely sources of power losses?
  • How often does your business lose power, and for how long?
  • The Open for Business-EZ (OFB-EZ ) vulnerability assessment assists in determining the events that may disrupt business operations. These, along with the advice of an electrician, will help identify the type and size of generator to buy.

It is vital not to overload a generator. Operating manuals generally provide guidelines on power consumption of items such as air conditioners, televisions, fans, refrigerators etc., but not large commercial equipment. That’s why the IBHS (Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety) says it is imperative to contact a certified electrician to assess the power consumption of electrical equipment and the entire building.


If you’re planning to install a commercial generator and need an electrical assessment, contact us now at HAYNES Electric Construction. We serve all of Asheville, Buncombe, Haywood, Henderson and Madison Counties.